Tools I Use 🚀

Last Updated: 22 July 2024

  • Arch Linux : I use Arch Linux as my daily driver for the past 2 years or so. I have tried a lot of distros but Arch has been the strongest out of all. It is easy to set up and configure new packages in Arch Linux, and I can find anything I need. Warning: The first few months of using Arch, the learning curve is steep.

  • Neovim : First-class text editor. Hyperextensible. Swiss knife. Once you get used to Vim, there is no going back. Plus points for Lua config.

  • Kitty : Superb terminal emulator. It is fast, extensible, has great font and ligature support. I've been using it for a long time and never needed anything else.

  • Fish Shell : I have tried "bash" and "zsh" before but found bash to be too simple. Zsh was extensible but was slow even though I manually configured my own plugins. Fish runs out of the box great. It is configured easily. The only negative is that it is not POSIX compliant, but you can just continue to write your scripts in bash and use Fish for your interactive tasks.

  • Hyprland : Wayland-based tiling compositor. It used to be unstable but now it is perfect. Cooler Sway with effects. Highly customizable, beautiful, and fast.

  • Lazygit : TUI for Git. Simple, beautiful, gets the job done without leaving the terminal.

  • Zoxide : You can jump almost anywhere with a few keystrokes. However, it still has some problems with fish integration...

  • Rclone : Great for syncing with my drive.

  • Syncthing : This is a lifesaver for me. Seamless integration with my devices. I can access my files from anywhere. It is fast and secure. Made my life a lot easier. Plus, no maintenance required.

  • Localsend : Free, open-source AirDrop alternative. Works great on Linux. I use it to quickly share files or clipboard between my devices. Evenmore, UI is stunning.

  • Starship Prompt : Most beautiful prompt. Works great with Fish.